
Hi! I'm Salman Ahmed

I am a hard working, honest individual. I am a good timekeeper, always willing to learn new skills. I am friendly, helpful and polite, have a good sense of humour. I am able to work independently in busy environments and also within a team setting. I am outgoing and tactful, and able to listen effectively while solving problems.

Checkout my resume
Contact me here!

Email: salman@zerozai.com

Phone: (+92)-334-0095959

What i do

My Services

Computer Vision

Natural Language Processing

Data Analytics

Product Strategy

Product Management

Requirment Gathering





Checkout a few of my works

Computer Vision

Number Puzzle Game

This is a game designed for children to learn counting and mathematics in a fun and interactive way. Client had designed kits in a specific format. A math related question will pop-up on a mobile screen, let say 5, now child has to point out which two number can add up to create sum of 5. It had multiple challenges and different problems.

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Computer Vision

Tangram Puzzle Game

This is a game designed for children to create different shapes using tangram puzzle in a fun and interactive way. Client had designed their own puzzle kits. A child select shape from a given menu, and that shape is displayed on mobile screen for user to make. Once a child has made a puzzle he or she has to capture a picture and system will automatically detect and show the percentage of the correctness of the puzzle. A math related question will pop-up on a mobile screen, let say 5, now child has to point out which two number can add up to create sum of 5. It had multiple challenges and different problems.

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Computer Vision & Audio Processing

Online Student Attention System

There is an online platform for teachers to delivering lectures. It is a private platform where teachers can create their own class and add students to their class. There is a special function in this platform that it will use Artificial Intelligence to analyze student video and audio stream to predict if student is attentive in the class or not. My role was to develop such system which will perform video and audio processing to detect student emotion ("angry" , "disgust", "scared",  "happy",  "sad",  "surprised", "neutral" ) and noise in the environment and speaker diarization.

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Computer Vision

Neural Style Transfer

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text.

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I love to share my achievements

Clients 0
Project done 0
Cups of coffee 0